Visoka kakovost življenja, dela in ustvarjalnosti ter vpetost Maribora v širši evropski prostor v mesto privablja ustvarjalni kader iz Slovenije in tujine. Zato je Mestna občina Maribor ustanovila šolo, ki bo na OŠ Leona Štuklja Maribor izvajala izobraževalni program v angleškem jeziku, in sicer v sklopu mednarodne organizacije International Baccalaureate Office iz Ženeve – IB Program. Šola bo zagotavljala izobraževalne programe za vrtec, osnovno in srednjo šolo, za otroke in mladostnike od 3. do 16. leta.
Začetek delovanja se načrtuje v šolskem letu 2023/2024 in sicer v okviru Enote Mednarodna šola na Osnovni šoli Leona Štuklja Maribor.
Prosimo vas, da izpolnjeni obrazec pošljete na elektronski naslov:
Dodatne informacije v zvezi z načrtovanim izvajanjem mednarodnega izobraževalnega programa dobite na internetni strani ter elektronskem naslovu
The high quality of living, work opportunities and creativity as well as the integration of Maribor into the wider European space attracts creative employees from near and far. Therefore, the Municipality of Maribor is starting an international kindergarten and school at the Leon Štukelj Maribor Primary School (Osnovna šola Leona Štuklja Maribor), which will deliver educational programmes in English. It will offer the Primary Years, Middle Years and Diploma Programmes developed by the International Baccalaureate Office in Geneva. The school will provide educational programmes from kindergarten to high school, for children and adolescents from 3 to 16 years old.
The Leon Štukelj Maribor Primary School will start offering the programmes in the 2023/2024 school year.
Please send the completed form to the following e-mail address: Information regarding the planned implementation of the international school programmes is available on the website If you have any further questions, you can email
Poziv za vpis učencev v šolo z mednarodnim programom v Mariboru / Call for enrollment of students in the international school in Maribor
Call for enrollment of students in the International school in MariborURL:
Application formURL:
Application formURL:
Poziv za vpis učencev v šolo z mednarodnim programom v Mariboru / Call for enrollment of students in the international school in Maribor